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Monday, January 25, 2010

Katie - MY Wonder Woman

OK, so as you can see (that is, if anyone is out there) it's been a loooong while since I posted... so before I get to my new post, I should probably answer the question that is on everybody's (again, one or two) minds... "Hey Ian, why the delay in sharing your incredible thoughts and observations on daily life with us ever thirsty-for-knowledge readers?"

Well, there's a couple of reasons... first of all, the number of things that I am really passionate about are very few. I like to think of myself as someone with some pretty strong priorities.... faith, my family, making the world a little better place than I left it, etc. But I'm not one to get really upset about some of the daily bizarre incidents or people in my daily life...

Pajama wearing lady in Wal-mart - Crazy, granted. Total lack of self-awareness, probably. Worth taking an iphone picture of to show my more blog-capable wife, definitely. But just don't care enough to do an extensive blog about.

Insanity in my office life - probably more blog-worthy but a) don't feel like getting sued and b) WAAAAAY too many unbelievable stories to tell. I'd probably just lose credibility because they seem too crazy to be real.

Tales of being a part-time children's magician / wizard / "Kris-Kringle" stand-in (shhhhh.... don't let your kids read that) - probably more blog-worthy but only once I get the momentum going. Remind me to tell you about the drunk father that tried to beat me up while I was dressed as Barney the stupid dinosaur (pause.... shudder!! Deep breath... moving on). Oh, and that was IN FRONT OF his 6 year old daughter... on her birthday. Can you say "therapy bills"? SURE you can!

OK, so one more reason - because the things I DO get passionate about can land me in hot water. I'm madly in love with my amazing wife, fanatical about being a great dad for my kids, and try to be very loyal to my friends. But the downside to this is that most of my opinions that are important enough to share are about one of those 3 things. And that's not always good. I'll see what I can do to keep that in check but when I fail to, believe me... there are people that will let me know. (quick shout out... Love you Katie!)

So now for the other question... why am I blogging now?

Because this weekend I got to see something in action that is the very thing I wanted to celebrate when I created this blog... Dominos! To put that in context, I'm VERY slowly writing a book - a series of life observations CALLED Dominos. Dominos are very important to me. As a child, I loved stacking Dominos in patterns throughout our basement... over boxes, card tables, books.. whatever. Then I would knock down the first domino and watch all the others fall. As I've gotten older I've adapted the philosophy of dominos into the daily meaning for my life. The actions I take and the decisions I make are like the first domino in a chain. If I lose my temper or unjustly injure someone, there are effects beyond my actions... maybe somebody I lost my temper at then blows their cool on someone else... and so on. Maybe my choosing to put off that task I should have done puts it in someone else's way instead - causing stress, disruption, or put simply, problems. That's not the way I want my dominos to fall. So as much as it's in my power, I try to do the right thing - to get the dominos to fall into a more attractive pattern. Helping, instead of hurting. That's what Dominos mean to me.

(at this point, you've been reading a while - I've got a little more to go so if you want to go grab a drink, use the restroom, whatever... go ahead, I'll wait here.)



(whistling, checking watch...)
Ah, you're back. Perfect. Ok, so the recent Domino that got this going today. If you're reading this post, you probably already know my amazing wife Kate. One of the best things in the world to happen to me (even if she too often questions it). Also the most beautiful and desirable woman I know (she WAY too often questions THAT... really bugs me too).

Anyway, many, many moons ago, there were, umm... incidents (that should work) where Katie would get really mad about stuff - the 1 hour photo guy that took 63 minutes. The fast food place that took 5 minutes instead of 3. etc etc. Didn't matter to me (did I mention I'm madly in love with her?) but I tried, whenever possible, to be the calm in her storm.

This weekend though, something different happened.

THIS weekend, Katie used that (what's the word here.... Anger? No - that'll get me in trouble. Wrath? DEFINITELY not!... Oh, I know!) Katie used that PASSION in a really great way - to benefit someone else. Someone who needed defending but couldn't defend themselves. You see, Katie and I went to see Avatar as part of a Saturday night date night (we have one every 5 years whether we like it or not... KIDDING!)

So Avatar was REALLY cool..... I hear.

I wouldn't know because it was sold out all the way until Sunday night. So instead we went to see Legion, a supernatural thriller where God has lost all faith in mankind so he sends his angels to wipe us all out. Suffice to say, there were swear words BEYOND the normal swear words, EXTREME violence, and disturbing images involving young kids becoming angel/demon possessed and biting out throats, being shot to pieces, etc etc. Almost more graphic than even I, in all my manliness, could handle!

But the worst part?

That would be the two IDIOT parents sitting with three kids aged 2 to 8 throughout the WHOLE movie. Kate cried for almost 20 minutes that these children would be exposed to this completely UN-kid-friendly crap. I agreed. So when the movie finished, what did my own personal Wonder Woman do? She took on those parents using the aforementioned ang.. (oops) PASSION. Told them how ashamed they should be, how sickened she was, etc etc. Full wrath of God stuff beyond anything the movie had dared show. Afterwards, I had to help Katie to our van because she was so upset. It was at that point that she had asked if I was embarassed by her outburst. Embarassed? NO! Proud as heck is more like it! Because of her and ONLY her, there's a chance, regardless of how slim or great... still, a CHANCE that the next time these parents decide to take their 3 victims / children to some ultra-violent horror flick, they just might remember the tongue lashing they got and even if they're not thankful for it, MAYBE they'll say "maybe we should skip this one." Might be a week from now, maybe a month, maybe even a year. But regardless, there's a good chance it will happen, and THAT's a good way for the dominos to fall.

And that's why my wife is MY hero.

TTFN! Maybe I'll post again soon. Maybe I'll just go home and kiss my wife.